Program Visibility and Engagement
COVID-19 logistics and content accessibility constraints presented challenges to RedR Australia’s traditional approach to program visibility. Despite this, increased social media activity and engaging with partners to amplify content helped boost the combined audience for the Australia Assists Twitter and Instagram accounts by 758 (a 91 per cent increase). Engagement rate per impression (measuring the number of times users engaged with a post) was 2.6 per cent, representing a 52 per cent year-on-year increase.
Demonstrating impact
The revised strategy applied by RedR Australia to build and share its content hub gave DFAT focal points direct access to content to support the promotion of Australia Assists. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has accessed deployee biographies, images, videos and infographics, including the quarterly dashboard. Among the fresh content available on the hub was a package on the pilot Pacific Essentials of Humanitarian Practice course, including key messages, a media release, infographics, images, video and social posts for DFAT to use in the Pacific. RedR’s digital impact was also enhanced through accessibility updates to the RedR Australia website, including the Australia Assists page, and work began to create the first Australia Assists digital annual report.
Program promotion
RedR increased engagement and visibility by employing a range of traditional, digital and social media channels to share the Australia Assists story with a growing audience. This included securing media opportunities with ABC’s 7:30, SBS News, Engineers Australia’s content channels, the Vanuatu Daily Post, and several specialist journals. RedR also provided content for Australia Assists’ social media channels to support key United Nations days, including World Humanitarian Day and International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.